Keynote presentations, workshops and star driver appearances

Formula One™️ is recognised around the world as providing a high speed, high risk spectacle, and Mark Gallagher provides clients with business insights from this compelling sport through tailored keynote presentations, workshops and moderated appearances by star drivers.

Achieving ambitious targets, building winning teams, creating an agile and innovative culture where the focus on performance is mirrored by effective risk management. This is a sport which offers businesses and organisations a wide range of learnings and take-aways.

The business lessons are brought to life;


  • Through keynote speeches, presentations and interactive Q&A sessions with delegates
  • Workshops designed to provoke discussion and generate valuable take-aways
  • Moderated appearances by Formula One stars keen to share a winner’s perspective



High Performance Teamwork

A Formula One™️ team has to design, manufacture, develop and operate a high performance vehicle which combines technologies from aerospace,

Data-Driven Performance

More than any other sport, Formula One™️ has embraced a data-driven business culture, particularly as regards its near-obsession with marginal gains and continuous improvement.

Safety & Risk Management

Safety is a first order priority in Formula One™️ and the last 25 years have seen a profound change to the way in which the sport manages risk.

Change & Transformation

Business models break, new ones develop, technology evolves, regulations are revised and customers alter buying habits.

Other topics

One thing has become very clear during the course of working at hundreds of business events across a wide range of industry sectors; content from Formula One can be tailored to suit any business theme or topics, primarily because Formula One™️ itself is a business.

Leadership topics around building, leading and inspiring teams of people are often combined with insights into building resilience into a business, coping with adversity or the importance of celebrating successes.

Since Formula One™️’s leaders understand the importance of empowerment, adaptive leadership skills are often discussed; providing teams with the support they need, intervening when necessary, plus mentoring and coaching the next generation of leaders.

Building client centricity into a business’s day to day operations is reflected in the way that Formula One™️ teams have sought to provide their corporate partners with a wide range of added-value marketing solutions. In more recent years they have also had to become adept at meeting the demands of new customers, in new markets segments and geographies, while operating to an increasingly diversified business model.

The same focus that goes into providing service to a Formula One™️ driver during a 2 second pit stop can be applied in ensuring seamless customer service, and a winning performance.

There are over 200 brands involved in Formula One™️, and for the leadership teams and drivers it becomes part and partial of the day job to understand each brand’s values and the way in which their owners nurture and cultivate them over time.

Formula One™️ has helped make Ferrari arguably the most powerful automotive brand in the world, and made Red Bull a household name, and powerful insights are available in how brand positioning, content creation and promotion lie at the very heart of this sports business.

The main point about themes and topics is to be understand what is required of the speaker, discuss the relevant touch points, and to work on crafting a keynote presentation that will be entertaining, insightful and - most of all - relevant to the audience.

Need a business speaker for your event?

Please contact Mark now to find out more about his keynote presentations,

F1™️ themed workshops and moderated appearances by F1™️ drivers.